Friday 29 November 2013

Preliminary Photos

Here are some preliminary photos I have modeled in. By applying conventions and Mise-En-Scene associated with the genre (Police/Crime Thriller), I have compiled photos together to give me an ideas for the construction of my film poster. 

These pictures were taken in central London; the idea is to show recognisable landmarks and structures in the background to present an urban city appearance. This location is important as it links with the film genre and therefore, the audience can gain perceptions on the genre, and ultimately, the plot.

This collage features more intimate photos of the character, these were taken in a attempt to create a personal poster where the audience can see facial expressions and begin to connect to the character on an emotional level. In addition, these type of posters are designed to 'sell' the actor because, conventionally, these posters have limited effects and changes to the image apart from the background. Therefore, the simplification around the image amplifies the presence of the actor.

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