Tuesday 12 November 2013

Questionnaire Data Analysis

There were 22 respondents in this questionnaire which were answered by people of a specific place (East London) which is a relatively small scale of people; although small it can be generalized carefully towards the entire country 


The majority of respondents were males, which conforms to the predictions that more males would like to answer the questionnaire about Police Crime Thriller films as they are aimed more at this type of demographic compared to less than half of the respondents who are female


The majority of respondents were also 20 - 50 which is the age gap that was predicted when picturing the demographic. The highest age percentage of the respondents were 21-25 year old people which gives us a main target demographic to focus on the most but not to neglect the other audiences


The data shows that 64% of the 22 respondents said yes to watching a police crime thriller film(s) recently, this could suggest that the genre has high popularity as some of the films shown in the cinema right now are actually Police Crime Thriller Films

Please state the film(s) watched:

Answered: 14            Skipped: 8

Showing 14 responses

Shinjuku Incident



The Dark Knight Trilogy

LA Confidential

The Dark Knight Trilogy Runner Runner

I haven't seen any recently

Now You See Me 

Now You See Me

Sherlock Holmes

Training day Pride and glory U.S Marshalls

Green Street

Sherlock Holmes

Pulp Fiction

From this list of films watched by the 14 respondents, The Dark Knight Trilogy and Now You See Me are the most popular being said twice. By answering this question with The Dark Knight Trilogy, it can be suggested that the film is very popular because of an iconic character based on comics and with a wide range of ages in question 2; it can be assumed that these respondents were in the broad ages of 20 to 50 years of age.


Answered: 14         Skipped: 8

Showing 14 responses
Shinjuku Incident, because the movie explores the topic of immigration throughout eastern Asia.

Seven - unexpected ending.

Dredd because it is a remake of the original film franchise

The Dark Knight Rises

Where the big shootout happens

The Dark Knight - because of the iconic characters from the comics appear in it

Don't have one

Sherlock Holmes

Now You See Me

Sherlock Holmes.

Brooklyn's Finest because I like the plot. It wasn't slow at certain areas

Green Street because it is local and seems realistic

Sherlock Holmes, It's funny and clever.

Runner Runner because it's funny.


What aspect of this genre do you think made it unique?

Answered: 21                  Skipped: 1

Showing 21 responses

There's always a twist

The fact that directors are able to explore the intricate ideas of characters through this genre.

Being a hybrid genre, so it contains aspects of both the thriller and crime genres. Some recurring themes make it comparable to other film genres, however - for example, good vs evil. I think the characters in this genre are often quite complicated (e.g. the anti-hero), which stands in contrast to some other thriller films.

Different - the fast paced scenes of action where the character has to decide to kill or not

The seriousness of the detectives and the arsenal of weapons used

The combination of police and superheroes.

The story

The ending where the evidence adds up to find the culprit

The dark side of a investigator is explored

I don't know

The comedy mixed in with the plot

The way it was about magicians who "robbed" a bank instead of the normal thief or criminal which these magicians weren't

I like big, complicated plots that all come together in the end.

The issues that the detectives face during the films

The use of 'enhanced' real life situations enable the films to be both relatable through the use of human emotion and interesting through the thrilling story lines.

the factual parts where we can relate them to real stories in modern times

That we didn't know what was going to happen in the end

How relatable it can be to lives and interesting it is.

The humour

The limit of law against personal morals

The crime and thrill


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