Sunday 1 December 2013

Film Poster Colour Scheme


Using Adobe Kuler, I was able to explore different complementary colours to create a suitable colour scheme. As our film is a  Police/Crime Thriller, I researched colours associated with this genre and came to the conclusion that conventional film posters utilise a mixture of the colours:

Grey - The use of this colour creates a darker, mysterious atmosphere which illustrates the 'Thriller' aspect of the film. The colour also has connotations of a formal, professional environment and this correlates with the refined police force that is being portrayed within the film. In addition, the colour grey creates the imagery of a 'concrete jungle'; which represents the urban city setting. 

Blue - This colour is very conventional in Crime related film posters because it is direct imagery of emergency vehicle lighting. Therefore, emphasis of this colour will suggest to the audience that the film is associated with the police force and so through the colour scheme, the audience can decipher the genre of the film.


  1. Kuler is a great tool and you show a great connotative link to posters from similar genres.Don't forget the city element or concrete jungle setting that the colour grey can also represent.

  2. The connection between the colour grey and urban cities is a great idea. I will definitely make changes according to this, thank you for your insight.
